I.B.E. School in Crete




Project type

Educational institution


Crete, Greece




Shamsudin Kerimov, Pavel Prishin

The prototype for the competition project of a school on Crete Island, Greece, drew its inspiration from ancient Greek cities and settlements.

The school plan is based on the city plan: corridors between classes are “streets”, the classes are “houses”, and recreation areas are “squares”. Not only students and school staff but also all city residents can walk on the green roof.
At ground level, there is a park with columns and trees, which were partially preserved. The school building is blended into the landscape as delicately as possible.

The architectural shaping is determined by the site topography. Due to the natural difference in the relief, the building partially rests on the ground where the entrance group is organized, and it is on the same level as the roof with one of the hills. All zones such as kindergarten, primary school, high school, and administration are located in one block, on one floor.

The internal zoning is designed in such a way that the flows of students of different age groups do not cross. The only connecting link is the central staircase leading to the park. Each zone has its own light well, due to which all spaces are well-lit and ventilated.

The school stands on pylons, and the vacated plots are intended for sports fields and recreational areas under a canopy that protects from the scorching sun. Thanks to Crete's favorable climate, all areas can be used all year round. Tucked away in the shadow of the building itself, teachers can hold conferences and classes outdoors.

Thanks to the favorable climate of Crete, all areas can be used all year round.

Argentina Cultural Center

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Chapultepec Cultural Center

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